Saturday, July 2, 2011

A Journey of a Thousand Miles...

While I haven't really travelled a thousand miles just to begin this blog - sometimes it sure seems like that great of a distance and more! This blog has been a long time coming. I have started and stopped and started again only to abandon it once more. I have always loved to write - growing up there was seldom a time when I didn't have a notebook and pen nearby and some story or poem swirling in my head. As life got 'noisier'- college, marriage, babies, moving and expanding 'to do' lists - I found less and less time in which I could, or would, take time to read, write or create. I seldom read anything outside of the self-help marriage or parenting books which promise to help life be so much better. But I rarely finished any of those books and found the love I once had for beautiful writing slowly slipping away. Just over a year ago, I attended a weekend conference, where I was reminded of that creative part of myself that I had almost forgotten existed. Something stirred in my heart as I realized how much joy I had missed. I started reading again; not dry, guilt-inducing books, but real, enjoyable, get-lost-in-a-book-until-well-past-midnight works of literature. I have discovered classics that I wish I had read long ago, and rediscovered old favorites.

What does any of that have to do with writing this blog? Everything, it turns out! As I have sought after ways to simplify my life and quiet the 'noise' around me, I have found more space in my life that I am eager to fill with things that are worthy, creative, and joyful (Philippians 4:8).  I'm inspired to put pen to paper and write again.  It is a journey that has taken some time to start - and one that I hope will take me a thousand miles and beyond. And while it will never look perfect, I'm taking a step anyways. I'll share with you my love for God & my family, homeschooling, hopeful adoption, and books as well as my love/hate relationship with housework and gluten free food. So grab some coffee and pull up a cozy chair. Thanks for sharing a few moments with me.

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